Further Comments on Results-Based Pilot Projects

Gage, Andrew

Richard Manwaring,
Project Manager, Results Based Code Pilot Projects
Ministry of Forests,

Dear Mr. Manwaring:

Re: BCEN Forest Caucus – Further comments on Results Based Pilot Projects

Further to your telephone conversation with Ms. Jessica Clogg, Co-Chair of the BCEN Forest Caucus, this letter represents further comments by the BCEN Forest Caucus on the development of pilot projects under Part 10.1 of the Forest Practices Code. I understand that the Stillwater Pilot Project Regulation (the “Regulation”) will be considered shortly by the Joint Steering Committee. Please bring this letter to the attention of the JSC and Cabinet in their deliberations on this matter.

The Forest Caucus has, of course, already commented on the Regulation and the proponent of the regulation has responded to them. The Caucus does not wish to focus further on the wording of the Regulation, but instead to place on record its concerns arising from the three pilot projects reviewed to date.

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