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Author: Mike Kofahl, Stephanie Hewson and Maryann Watson
Publication Date: June 2024
Pages: 9
Topics: Underwater noise, ocean protection
Author: Erin Gray, Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: May 2024
Pages: 5
Topics: Offshore Renewable Energy, Ocean Protection
Author: Erin Gray, Staff Lawyer, Stephanie Hewson, Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: February 2024
Pages: 7
Topics: Marine protection, ocean conservation, marine renewable energy, offshore oil & gas production
Author: West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: December 2023
Pages: 5
Topics: Fish habitat protection, plastic/styrofoam pollution
Author: Stephanie Hewson, Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: July 2023
Pages: 3
Topics: national marine conservation areas, marine protected areas, minimum protection standards
Author: Hillyer, Ann; Atkins, Judy (1st & 2nd eds.); van Drimmelen, Ben (3rd & 4th eds.)
Publication Date: June 2023
Pages: 200
Topics: Land; Conservation; Private options
Author: Stephanie Hewson, Linda Nowlan, Georgia Lloyd-Smith, Deborah Carlson & Michael Bissonnette
Publication Date: June 2023
Pages: 300
Topics: Marine Protection, Coastal and Ocean Laws
Author: Michael Bissonnette, Staff Lawyer, Erin Gray, Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: April 2023
Pages: 10
Author: Stephanie Hewson – Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: January 2023
Pages: 4
Topics: fish, fish habitat, ecologically sensitive areas
Author: Deborah Carlson, Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: December 2022
Pages: 8
Topics: Fisheries Act, Fish Habitat, Cumulative Effects